Hello World, welcome to my website...
Greetings from the Kingdom of Denmark!
The National Coat of Arms of Denmark
Ok, so there isn't much useful on my website – but it validates! Thumb up
It's really just a small exercise in using XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP (and the GIMP? – nooe... ;-)
Johann Sebastian Bach didn't know about beatboxing or drum'n'bass ...
but he might have liked it! I think that in another 300 years we
will still be listening to his music – one way or another...
Valid XHTML 1.1
Valid CSS!
Composed with care by Erik Nielsen
Welcome to  *THE OTHER SHORE* —  ye be warned!
PirateFlag Pirate ship Pirate ship Pirate ship Pirate cannon Pirate cannon Pirate dog Small pirate boat Pirate cannon Pirate cannon Pirate cannon